Connect and Get Involved

Parent Cafés​

Parent Cafés are a safe and supportive space for families with young children to connect, share the joys and challenges of parenting, and learn from each other.  

Linking to Other Families

A program that connects families of children and adults with a disability or special need to a Peer Supporter (mentor) for purposes of emotional support and information.

A website that links families of infants and toddlers newly identified with deafness and hearing loss throughout Pennsylvania with trained and experienced parent guides.

Leadership Development

C2P2EI is an innovative training program providing participants with up-to-date information, leadership development training, resources and skills. Participants learn about the local, state and national issues that affect children with disabilities.

P3D brings together families of children receiving Early Intervention or Family Support Services. Family members share their experiences to improve training and resources. P3D promotes connections between families.

Complete the P3D Sign-up Form to be added to the database and receive information about how you can contribute to professional development and pre-service learning and participate in family engagement, leadership development, informational sessions, and networking events. Important forms related to P3D can be found at this Padlet.

Advisory Groups

A governor appointed advisory board of parents, Department of Education, Human Services, and Health representatives, and others appointed members who advise the departments on the Pennsylvania Early Intervention System.

SICC meetings are hosted in Harrisburg and downlinked to numerous sites across Pennsylvania.  Family members are welcome and encouraged to come to the host or virtual sites to learn more about what’s happening at the statewide level.

Local groups that includes families, county administration, Intermediate Units, school districts, Early Intervention providers, Head Start, service coordinators, health agencies, and other community organizations that works toward the overall goal of enhancing local Early Intervention supports and services. For information about your local LICC contact Suzanne Pasquariello:

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